
Enhacing our Heritage--Part E--Hockings et al., 2006

2. Effective management systems

It is difficult to manage effectively without basic businessmanagement systems.

Some suggestions are:
*straightforward changes in management practices
*followed by small-scale projects that could enhance capacity
*larger-scale projects to address major management issues

3. Developing clear management targets
*Site values however should also reflect other natural values such as geological or representative ecological processes, as well as any cultural or social values that arelocally, nationally or globally important to stakeholders.

*It proved a challenge to agree on management objectives, inseveral of the pilot sites, particularly for the areas that did not have agreed or effective management plans.

4. Increasing site knowledge
*There is an on-going need to collect data and develop,expand or refine monitoring systems to assess the overall condition of the site and to ensure that site management is leading to the expected conservation outcomes.

*Focus on effective and critical oucome evaluation.
