
Enhacing our Heritage--Part C--Hockings et al., 2006

*Initial Evaluation*

1.Be used to gain baseline data on the current situation
2.Information can also be used to develop addition M&E systems to
(1) formulate small-scale response
(2) large-scale proposals for areas where adaptations to management have been identified (ex. add staff training)
3. Also used to test the various methodologies developed to assess the elements of the IUCN-WCPA Framework

*Results of EoH project

1. As to first aim...

--The research team found that will depend on the managers & management agency awareness and got benefits or not

--Some suggestions: (1) working with managers and staff during periods of management reviews (ex. develop MP together); (2) institutionalize M&E at the agency level.

2. Many PAs can't finish all WCPA framework in first evaluation

3. The success has been mixed in :

(1) Integrating the results of assessment

(2)Resulting adaptive management with management planning

(3) Reinforcing the underlying needs to ensure the sites can implementation
